On Friday, Sep 25, 2015, our president, Dr. Du invited Mr. Bin Wu, the Director and President of Tianjing Chase Sun Pharmaceutic Co. Ltd. to visit CCTCMA and give us an educational seminar on Chinese herbal granules.

Seminar of Chinese Herbal GranulesMr. Bin Wu introduced the basic theory and techniques they use to create Chinese herbal granules. He started with a belief his master passed down to him:”Inheritance shouldn’t be restricted by history; innovation shouldn’t detach from its root.” The brand Kang Ren Tang is a series of the Chinese herbal granule products created by Mr. Bin Wu and his team through their tireless research. Tianjin Chase Sun Pharmaceutic Co. Ltd. has the largest Chinese herbal medicine and formula ‘finger print’ database in the world and holds the highest technical standard of producing Chinese herbal granules worldwide.

Our 4th year students are looking forward to meet Mr. Bin Wu and his team again in next Spring in China to learn more about his research of Chinese herbal granules.