Early this year in Edmonton Jennifer Strong hosted a wonderful seminar on practice building, management, and the eventual sale of your successful practice. We had numerous requests to hold it in Calgary, so we have made a second course at the Calgary College of TCM and Acupuncture, June 22/23.

Seminar: Success in Practice

Date: Jun 22 & 23rd, 2013      9:3oam – 4:30pm

Host: Jennifer Strong

Location: #107, 4014 Macleod Tr. S, Calgary, AB

How to build, market, maintain, buy and sell your successful natural medicine practice!

[column col=”1/2″]Learn how to Build:

  • solo or group?
  • location
  • setting up a successful clinic
  • public speaking
  • publishing articles/ ads

Learn how to Market:

  • internet
  • print
  • word of  mouth
  • radio
  • T.V.

[column col=”1/2″]Learn how to Maintain:

  • writing a business plan
  • book-keeper or accountant?
  • Revenue Canada
  • Third-Party Billing
  • referrals

Learn how to Buy or Sell:

  • valuation
  • advertising
    • negotiating the price and chattels
    • contract/ lawyers
    • transitioning successfully


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Jennifer Strong


Strong completed  her under-graduate work at Mills University, and earned her graduate degree at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine.  Having built and sold two successful acupuncture practices, Strong teaches from personal experience, providing practical information  that works and giving you the tools needed  to buy,  build, maintain and sell your successful acupuncture practice.

Strong served as president of the Acupuncture Society of Alberta, and as chair of the Acupuncture Committee of Alberta Health & Wellness.

Students Comment:

[quote]”I liked it all, and especially appreciate your openness”

                     –Wendy T

“Really appreciated the sample templates”

– Martha R.


“Thank you, Jennifer, for bringing your wealth of experience and knowledge – and your willingness of (sic) being a support for new acupuncturists…I feel like I am leaving here with new ideas…I now have a wealth of resources to work from and I feel like this was the perfect business class for me.”

– Cheryl B.


Course Registration:

To register, please  mail your cheque, payable to Jennifer Strong, to:

Jennifer Strong

R.R. 1, Site 27-B, C-7

Kaleden, BC  V0H 1K0.

Full payment is due at time of registration to confirm placement in the course.


FMI and to Register: 250-328-3811        jgstrong@shaw.ca  AcupuncturePenticton.com



For course withdrawals submitted in writing or in person 30 days or more before the start of the course, registrants will receive a full tuition refund less a $40 non-refundable registration fee. For course withdrawals submitted in writing or in person more than 14 days but less than 30 days before the start of the course, registrants will receive a 50% tuition refund. Without exception, no refunds will be given for course withdrawals less than 14 days before the start of the course.